Digital school albums!

When Ephram returned to school this year, the papers he was bringing home starting stacking up quickly. So every other week or so, I spend a few minutes photographing our favorites with my phone. Sometimes on the white kids activity table in my office, sometimes having Ephram hold them (reluctantly).

With the photos already on my phone, it makes it super easy to drop them into the Project Life App, type up a bit of journaling off the top of my head, and save. Occasionally I’ll use photos from my DSLR by uploading them to my Dropbox account from my computer and then pulling them into the App on my phone.

The Project Life App comes with 3 Core Kits plus the School Themed Cards, which gives me plenty to work with, though additional kits range from $0.99 – $1.99. I also hope to keep in mind that I can include 4×6 collages made in the app as well to create my own cards, which I did above with some outtakes of Ephram holding his artwork.

We’ve been in school for just over three weeks resulting in 2 full spreads so far, and it has only taken about 15 minutes total. Super simple and I feel almost zero guilt when I toss some of it. At the end of the school year I plan to print them in a photo book, perhaps using Shutterfly or Persnickety Prints.
Looking to jump start your memory keeping?
Join me at Big Picture Classes for a Pocket Prompts class for photo and journaling prompts you can try out in your memory keeping, as well as a look at how I put a page together from start to finish!