Happy New Year!
I didn’t intentionally take a blog break over the holidays but I’m glad I did. My mom took a spontaneous trip down to Texas to visit us and we spent the majority of the time just hanging out at home, stuck inside due to the cold/wet weather, playing with all the new toys my boys received at Christmas. We’ve now entered the world of small legos and nerf guns! Anyways, it was good to step away for awhile.
But my head continued to spin as usual. I always love a new year and the possibilities it holds. This year, it sort of took over my thoughts for a whole two weeks, brainstorming all the things I want to accomplish in 2015.
One thing I have never tried before is choosing “a word”. I’ve read so many people’s accounts of choosing a word and living with it through the year. Every December/January I start seeing the words pop up that people are picking and I think I’ll do it too but I never follow through. Mostly because I’ve never felt like I could choose a word that fit perfectly. This year, I decided to sign up for Ali Edwards One Little Word class even though I hadn’t decided on a word. I figured at the very least the class info would be inspiring even without a specific word. I had been testing out choose. And intention. And up. And positive. But none seemed to fit just the way I wanted them to. I never believed when people said that their word found them. It sounded hoaxy in a way. But sure enough, two days after signing up for Ali’s class, I was browsing Pinterest and the word found me via a quote.
I knew instantly that it was my word for 2015.
I can choose my attitude and the things life throws my way. I would like to teach my boys that they also can choose their attitudes and the best way to teach is through example.
I need to be intentional with my day because it impacts my attitude. I would like to disconnect from my to-do lists more and intentionally sit and play with my kids rather than be frustrated when I hear fighting the second I step away to answer an email. This all comes back to structuring my day but also being flexible.
I want my attitude to be waaaay more positive in general. Oftentimes I look grumpy, even when I’m not! I am not a perpetual smiler. I’m not lying when I say that my face hurts when I smile too much! (…kind of a pathetic admission, but true, nonetheless). I need to work on my posture, be more aware of my facial expressions, and just plain old smile more.

Instead of continuing on with a monthly self portrait this year, my efforts will be focused on a journal/personal scrapbook about working through my word this year. I absolutely loved using a 6×8 album in December so I’m going to be using a similar album for my One Little Word. A place to include my thoughts on the word, my pep-talks to myself, and maybe a few self portraits thrown in as well.
If you’re word is attitude or something similar this year, I have to share this Emergency Mood Booster printable by Caroline Winegeart of Made Vibrant. I’ll be sliding this right into my album.
& if this happens to be your first time hearing about One Little Word, I highly suggest taking a look at Ali’s blog to read more about it.