I was hoping to share our renovated bathroom this week but I’m waiting on prints to arrive to fill the frames. Meanwhile, I finally got around to creating some wood pieces for both the bathroom and Ephram’s room, using the same wood I used for the wood burned stars.
It was actually about 3 months ago that I first doodled a mountain on a post-it, but I wanted Beau to show me how to use the jigsaw (this is the one we have). I was a little nervous to try it without his direction since I’d never even touched it before, but it ended up being pretty easy, just like he told me. A little strenuous on my arms after holding the wood steady though.

I love the way the mountain works in his room since I’m going for an adventure/map/vehicles sort of theme. We Beau ripped out the carpet in Ephram’s room within a week of moving in and replaced it with beautiful laminate wood flooring, and this wood piece does a fantastic job of drawing your eye upward when you walk in and goes really well with those beautiful floors.
When we finished up the bathroom two weekends ago, I knew I wanted to do the same thing there. We have hardwood floors in half the bathroom, with tile in the second half near the tub. I wanted to tie the two “areas” together more by bringing a wood accent into the tiled part. I love this arrow so much I may even add a couple more.

The arrow was a harder to cut than the mountain since it’s rather small and I had a hard time knowing where to hold onto the wood without putting my fingers in the way, but it worked out. The whole cutting process probably took me about 15 minutes, followed by a few minutes of sanding and staining both pieces. Overall a pretty easy project and I love the outcome, so I’ll likely try it again in the future.