I guess you could say ‘the decorating’ is my favorite part of Christmas. So much so that I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving in the US around the same time the Canadians did so that bringing out Christmas decor in November would be more acceptable.
At Christmastime last year we were in the middle of a move and since this is our first Christmas in this house, I was more excited than usual to decorate this year. The wall in our living room has been empty since we moved in, 10.5 months ago, so it was about time I filled it up. While browsing Michaels for popsicle sticks (for this project), I came across an fantastic deal on canvas – 5 for $15. You can never have too much canvas on hand, but immediately I had an idea for these and decided to grab a few rolls of ribbon as well.

I laid the canvas on the floor first to figure out their placement, keeping in mind the imaginary grid system I talked about here. I added two framed photos, left over from the walls of our old living room, along with a smaller frame filled with scrapbook paper.

I wrapped the ribbon around the canvases, crossing in the back, then around again before tying in a bow. On a few I stuck small branches from our Christmas tree.

I love how simple and easy this gallery was. And for a total of $22? Affordable as well. It fills up the empty space, showcases a few family photos, and adds to the Christmas decor.
Now to figure out what to put up when it all comes down in January.